Kid`s game house "Gnomik"


48 900,00 ₴ Tax included
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(table, seat, cubes, account book, floor) The Gnome children's playhouse is a real find for parents, by placing a children's playhouse in kindergartens, playgrounds, summer cottages, you will provide the child with interesting entertainment. This is a fun building for kids, a cozy house, a fairy cottage fits perfectly into a small space. A wonderful and bright children's house for the company of children or for quiet games of one child. The roof is made of moisture-resistant plywood. In the middle of the children's playhouse there are cubes and an abacus, for developing games of the baby. It will take very little time for your child to become the full-fledged master of his own children's playhouse, in which he can create an adult-like, but still his own - "small world!
1700 мм
1500 мм
1250 мм
150 kg
Age category
4-6, 2-6, 2-4
plywood, tree
By appointment
For kindergartens, For new buildings, For parks
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