
Company successfully passed a certification audit for the compliance of the quality management system with the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001-2015 in 2018

Certificate of compliance for sports equipment 2024-2026
Висновок СЕС на Обладнання для дитячих майданчиків з Додатком від 25.04.2023 р.
Сертифікат відповідності ТУ У 32.3-32271102-002:2014 п.п. 1.3.3, 1.3.4, 1.3.6, 1.3.7,.1.4.1,.1.4.3; НПАОП 92.7-1.01-06 2023-2025 рр.
Permit to carry out works of increased danger 2012-2023.
Certificate for the mark for goods and services 2019-2021.
Certificate of copyright registration for the work "Sports game complex Schoolboy" 2009-2021.
Certificate of copyright registration for the work "Small architectural form of the Swing" 2009-2021.
Certificate of copyright registration for the work "Small architectural form of Slide" 2009-2021.
Construction license 2018-2021
ISO certificate for the quality management system 2022-2025.
The conclusion of the state sanitary-epidemiological examination dated 04/25/2023
The conclusion of the state sanitary-epidemiological examination dated May 4, 2023.
The conclusion of the state sanitary-epidemiological examination dated May 1, 2023.
Conclusion on the production of goods/execution of works/provision of services by a business entity located on the territory of Ukraine dated June 19, 2023.
Сертифікат на систему екологічного управління 2023-2026 рр.
Сертифікат на систему екологічного управління 2023-2026 рр.
Certificate of conformity of TU U 28.9-32271102-001; NPAOP 92.7-1.01.06 2023-2025

We recommend

The tunnel is open

11 630,00 ₴ Tax included

Spring swing "Butterfly"

16 800,00 ₴ Tax included

Children's shop "TURTLE" with a back

10 200,00 ₴ Tax included

Children's slide "Dino"

43 400,00 ₴ Tax included

Combined swing "Nest"

71 200,00 ₴ Tax included

Swing-balancer on a spring

20 800,00 ₴ Tax included

Spring swing "Rooster"

16 800,00 ₴ Tax included

Spring swing "Fish"

16 800,00 ₴ Tax included

Spring swing "Letter A"

15 100,00 ₴ Tax included

Spring swing "Seal"

15 100,00 ₴ Tax included

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