Everyone knows that the favorite place for children to play is the sandbox.
The sandbox should be placed in the trampled soil so that the sand does not go into the soil together with rainwater. Immediately teach the child not to scatter sand and not to transfer it to other places. A child will be interested in playing in the sand if there is a wide variety of shapes.
Usually, small children cannot sculpt a paska by themselves, so the role of a teacher is played by a mother, grandmother or someone else. The child will follow the actions of adults and try to repeat them. The most attractive activity for her is to break ready-made belts.
At first there was nothing, then it appeared, and then it disappeared again. Teach the child to collect sand in a bucket, tamp it with shovels or hands, pour it from one container to another, pile it up and dig holes. Teach her to sculpt turrets and fences with her hands, it's even easier than making steps. It's interesting!
Games with sand teach a child to think, fantasize, and create. Sand as a material for games is very important in the development of a child, so do not be disgusted by such games - they are only beneficial to children.
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