Канатний ігровий комплекс "Місток"


55 700,00 ₴ Tax included
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2450 мм
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For new buildings, For parks, For school
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730 мм
5130 мм
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144 302,40 ₴ Tax included

Ворота футбольні, тренувальні (розбірні)

21 200,00 ₴ Tax included

Football goal with a basketball shield

58 960,00 ₴ Tax included

Щит баскетбольний для спортивного залу

32 250,00 ₴ Tax included

Щит баскетбольний для спортивного залу

23 250,00 ₴ Tax included

Щит баскетбольний з кільцем

7 100,00 ₴ Tax included

Щит баскетбольний без кільця

5 600,00 ₴ Tax included

Стійки волейбольні пристінні

9 800,00 ₴ Tax included

Swedish wall with rope, bars and horizontal bar

17 600,00 ₴ Tax included

Horizontal bar kid's three-level

10 300,00 ₴ Tax included

Block for walking on chains with hand-rail

18 300,00 ₴ Tax included

Стійка баскетбольна

18 900,00 ₴ Tax included


12 000,00 ₴ Tax included

Block for walking (BOOM)

7 700,00 ₴ Tax included

Wall for throwing

11 800,00 ₴ Tax included

Стіл тенісний професійний

35 000,00 ₴ Tax included

Volleyball racks

11 000,00 ₴ Tax included

Stand basketball

39 870,00 ₴ Tax included

Stand basketball

118 600,00 ₴ Tax included

Block for walking

6 900,00 ₴ Tax included

Block for walking "Snake"

7 700,00 ₴ Tax included

Gymnastic pole

12 900,00 ₴ Tax included

Cable net with bars, horizontal bar and rope for climbing

31 300,00 ₴ Tax included


22 700,00 ₴ Tax included

Kid`s handshake

12 950,00 ₴ Tax included

Стійка баскетбольна

28 200,00 ₴ Tax included

Swedish wall with horizontal bar

14 500,00 ₴ Tax included

Swedish wall with rope, handle and horizontal bar

25 300,00 ₴ Tax included

Double Kid`s handshake

21 100,00 ₴ Tax included

Bridge of Liane with railings

8 300,00 ₴ Tax included

Press rack

5 500,00 ₴ Tax included

Stretching rack

4 700,00 ₴ Tax included


30 000,00 ₴ Tax included

Horizontal bar for pull-ups two-level

15 840,00 ₴ Tax included

Horizontal bar for pull-ups single-level

10 700,00 ₴ Tax included

Kid`s wall for exercise

18 850,00 ₴ Tax included

Horizontal bar for pull-ups two-level

11 900,00 ₴ Tax included

Horizontal bar for pull-ups single-level

8 800,00 ₴ Tax included

Horizontal bar for lifting three-level

14 350,00 ₴ Tax included

Horizontal bar for pulling up with Swedish wall, on corner

20 790,00 ₴ Tax included

Tennis table

22 150,00 ₴ Tax included

Тренажер Батерфляй одинарний

19 100,00 ₴ Tax included

Tennis table

48 900,00 ₴ Tax included

Tennis table

41 100,00 ₴ Tax included

Ворота футбольні, тренувальні (суцільнозварені)

16 450,00 ₴ Tax included

Канатний ігровий комплекс "Крокохід"

39 500,00 ₴ Tax included

Children's basketball stand

9 500,00 ₴ Tax included

Tunnel for climbing

11 550,00 ₴ Tax included

Handrail "Wave"

30 250,00 ₴ Tax included

A Swedish wall for a sports hall without a horizontal bar

9 020,00 ₴ Tax included

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